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Megan Morris
  • Athletics Season tickets and 10 game passes are available for purchase at Contact Mike Wilson in the MS for more information or if you have questions. For a complete listing of Bluffton High School athletic events, visit
  • Final Forms If any of your personal information changes (email, address, phone number, etc.), please remember to update it in Final Forms. The school utilizes Final Forms for regular communications with parents and students. By keeping your information up-to-date, you ensure the school can contact you with important details regarding your student, BHS activities, and district announcements. 
  • Attendance If your child will be absent from school or arriving late to school, please contact the high school office at (419)358-7941 by 8:20 am. If the student needs to leave school early, they must stop in the office at the beginning of the day and pick up an early dismissal slip to give to their teacher. When returning to school from an appointment or other absence, or if arriving to school late, students should stop at the office to sign in. Please obtain a doctor's notice for any medical appointments for which your student will be absent from school for any period of time. This notice should be turned in to the high school office. 
  • Alert System If you would like to be notified of delays, cancellations, athletic information, and other district news via text message, visit to sign up for this service.
  • Yearbooks Don't forget to order your 2024-25 BHS Yearbook! Visit to purchase.
  • Community Market Receipts are being collected by the PTO so DO NOT throw yours away. This is a great way for us to earn money from the Community Market stores. Receipts can be turned in to the HS Office. Remind your family and friends to save theirs too!
  • Box Tops for Education Instead of cutting out the actual Box Tops, you need to download an app to collect them. Check the following link for more information and help the Bluffton PTO collect money for equipment and activities:
  • Bluffton Schools 25-26 Kindergarten Registration is open! Please sign up in Final Forms Any questions, call Julie Steiner at 419-358-5901.
  • There will be no school on Monday, February 17, 2025 in honor of President's Day.


Friday, February 14
Lunch: Hot Dog, Baked Beans, Toss Salad w/dressing, Fruit, Milk
Ala-Carte: Sub Sandwich


  • Mixed Swimming (Varsity) Districts @ BGSU - 10:00 AM
  • Bowling Sectionals (Varsity) Sectionals @ Napoleon - 10:00 AM
  • Boys Basketball (JV) @ Allen East – 6:00 PM
  • Boys Basketball (Varsity) @ Allen East – 7:30 PM

Other Announcements:

  • Boys Tennis There is a sign-up sheet in the office for any student interested in playing boys tennis this spring.
  • Juniors The next meeting of the post-prom committee will be on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 7:00 pm in the HS Cafeteria. All junior parents and students are welcome to attend. 
  • Costa Rica Trip Profe King is planning a trip to Costa Rica in the summer of 2027. If you are interested in learning about this trip, there will be an informational meeting in the HS Cafeteria on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 7:00 pm. Please check your email to register for the meeting or click here:

Saturday, February 15


  • Boys Basketball (JV) vs. Maumee Valley Country Day - 12:00 PM
  • Boys Basketball (Varsity) vs. Maumee Valley Country Day - 1:15 PM

Monday, February 17
No School – President’s Day

Other Announcements: 

  • E-sports Good luck to the E-sports team tonight as they take on Hi-Point, USV, and Dublin Scioto.

Tuesday, February 18
Lunch: Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Links, Go-Gurt, French Toast Sticks, Hash Browns, Fruit, Milk
Ala-Carte: Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit

Other Announcements: 

  • Seniors All seniors should have received their cap, gown, and tassel last week during Friday lunch. If you did not pick up your items yet, please see Mrs. Morris in the HS Office. All seniors should try on their caps and gowns this week to check the fit and report to the office if you have any concerns. 
  • Juniors The next meeting of the post-prom committee will be tomorrow, Feb. 19 at 7:00 pm in the HS Cafeteria. All junior parents and students are welcome to attend. 
  • Costa Rica Trip Profe King is planning a trip to Costa Rica in the summer of 2027. If you are interested in learning about this trip, there will be an informational meeting in the HS Cafeteria on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 7:00 pm. Please check your email to register for the meeting or click here:

Wednesday, February 19
Lunch: Hamburger/Cheeseburger, Steamed Corn, Romaine Salad w/dressing, Fruit, Milk
Ala-Carte: Bosco Cheese Breadstick

Other Announcements: 

  • E-sports Good luck to the E-sports team tonight as they take on New Riegel and Springfield.
  • Seniors All seniors should have received their cap, gown, and tassel last week. If you did not pick up your items yet, please see Mrs. Morris in the HS Office. All seniors should try on their caps and gowns this week to check the fit and report to the office if you have any concerns. 
  • Juniors The next meeting of the post-prom committee will be tonight at 7:00 pm in the HS Cafeteria. All junior parents and students are welcome to attend. 
  • Costa Rica Trip Profe King is planning a trip to Costa Rica in the summer of 2027. If you are interested in learning about this trip, there will be an informational meeting in the HS Cafeteria on Thursday, Feb. 20 at 7:00 pm. Please check your email to register for the meeting or click here:

Thursday, February 20
Lunch: Chili Soup w/crackers, Cheese Cubes, Romaine Salad w/dressing, Corn Bread, Fruit, Milk
Ala-Carte: Kira’s Flipside Pizza

Other Announcements: 

  • E-sports Good luck to the E-sports team tonight as they take on Mayfield.
  • Seniors All seniors should have received their cap, gown, and tassel last week. If you did not pick up your items yet, please see Mrs. Morris in the HS Office. All seniors should try on their caps and gowns this week to check the fit and report to the office if you have any concerns. 
  • Costa Rica Trip Profe King is planning a trip to Costa Rica in the summer of 2027. If you are interested in learning about this trip, there will be an informational meeting in the HS Cafeteria tonight at 7:00 pm. Please check your email to register for the meeting or click here:

Friday, February 21
Lunch: Pizza, Carrots w/dip, Toss Salad w/dressing, Fruit, Milk
Ala-Carte: Buffalo Chicken Chunks


  • Boys Basketball (Varsity) Sectionals vs. Wayne Trace – 7:00 PM

Other Announcements: 

  • Seniors All seniors should have received their cap, gown, and tassel last week. If you did not pick up your items yet, please see Mrs. Morris in the HS Office. All seniors should try on their caps and gowns this week to check the fit and report to the office if you have any concerns. 

Saturday, February 22


  • Wrestling (Varsity) Sectionals @ Van Buren - 8:00 AM
Julie Oberly

Students in Ohio are required to receive the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) for entry into grades 7, and 12. Your child should have received one dose of this vaccine their 7th grade year; however, there is a two-dose requirement if the first dose was given before age 16. Students without proof of vaccination will be subject to exclusion from school. 

The Allen County Health Dept will be holding an onsite clinic for incoming 7th & 12th grade students at Bluffton Schools during schedule pick up for the MS & HS students. More specific information will be sent to you closer to the date regarding this clinic. You can also take your child to your own physician to receive this vaccine. Make sure to drop off proof of the vaccine to the HS office once your child has received it.

The following vaccines are available at Allen County Public Health:   

·         Meningitis (MCV4)-Required. One or two doses, depending on age, to protect against meningitis) -Teens are at increased risk for this bacterial infection.  Meningitis can kill a healthy person in less than 48 hours. Survivors can have serious problems that last the rest of their lives.  Most colleges require this vaccine for those students who live in dorms.

·         HPV (Human Papillomavirus)-two or three-dose series to protect against HPV disease-HPV disease is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women and oropharyngeal cancer in males and females.

·         Meningitis B – Although rare, meningitis B is a serious infection which can cause infection of the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord.  The vaccine is a series of two or three doses depending on the vaccine type and can be given to teens 16 - 18 years of age.   

If you have any questions about these or any other vaccines or wish to make an appointment to receive a vaccine, please call the health department at 419-228-4457.


Julie Oberly


New Renaissance Attendance Policy

To qualify for this first nine weeks (which looks at the 4th nine weeks from last year), we will use the old Renaissance policy and the NEW policy - If you qualify by one or both of these policies you will be eligible for Renaissance as long as you meet the grade and no-discipline requirements.

The new policy will be used starting at the end of the 1st nine weeks. 

The new policy will count hours instead of occurrences. (A whole regular school day is considered 6.5 hours)

Gold card - not to exceed 13 hours of excused absences in a nine week period

Silver card - not to exceed 20 hours of excused absences in a nine week period

Red card - not to exceed 33 hours of excused absences in a nine week period

White card - not to exceed 33 hours of excused absences in a nine week period, raise your GPA from the previous nine weeks and no F’s - Or -  Perfect attendance and no Fs

Hours that WILL NOT count against you:

  • Appointments not to exceed 2 hours/You MUST turn in a Doctor’s Excuse to the H.S. office when you return from the appointment. Any time out of the building for an appt AFTER the two hours will count towards your attendance hours. Also, if no Dr Excuse is turned into the office,  the whole time you are out of the building will be counted towards your attendance hours.  

  • Pre-approved appointments which may be longer than 2 hours, (i.e. seeing a specialist in Columbus and you need to leave at 10:00 for a 12:30 appt and need to allow drive time) Must turn in a Doctor excuse showing appointment time. 

  • Extended Illness/surgery. You must provide a Doctor’s excuse explaining why you needed to be out more than one day. (i.e. wisdom teeth removal, knee surgery, extended illness COVID etc.). An absence for illness due to a cold, headache, stomach bug etc. will still count as a regular absence just like it did in the past, even with a Dr note.

                    (Dr Excuses accepted based on the Renaissance committee’s approval)

Tardies will count as part of your hours AND you will only be allowed 2 tardies per nine weeks - if you have 3 tardies you will not be eligible for Renaissance for that nine weeks.

An Unexcused partial or full absence will automatically disqualify you for Renaissance for the nine weeks.

+++Along with the Attendance policy you cannot have any disciplinary actions AND you must meet the appropriate GPA for each nine weeks:

Gold - 4.0

Silver - 3.30 - 3.99

Red - 3.29 - 2.5

White - raise GPA with no F’s or Perfect attendance and no F’s

Mardy Herr

Grade cards will be available in ProgressBook at the end of each nine weeks once the teachers have entered their grades and they are finalized in the guidance office. If you would like an honor roll certificate each nine weeks, contact the office. To locate your child’s grade card in ProgressBook just login to ProgressBook like you normally would to check their grades. Once you are in their account,  click on “Report Card '' on the left side of the page. Towards the top middle of the page click on “View Paper Report Card” and you can then print it out for your records or for insurance purposes if needed. Contact the office if you have any questions at 419-358-7941.

Mardy Herr

All parents should have received an email regarding Final Forms with this link:  These forms are required to be completed online & signed by parents ASAP. We are trying to convert to doing all of our school paperwork digitally.  Once the parents complete and sign ALL of the online forms,  the students will receive a separate email which they need to go into each form and sign digitally. If your child will be in a sport the parents will need to ALSO select the “sport” forms and complete them ahead of time and then the students will need to sign their digital copies. (These sport forms need completed ASAP even if the actual physical is not yet completed for the upcoming year. They will not be able to participate in their sport until signed digitally). The office will continue to email and call you until these forms are complete.